Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Beginning of Deliverance

Although I've only read 41 pages of this book I think I am really going to enjoy it.  One of the first things I noticed was how descriptive the author is.  He makes a point to describe everything in great detail, the reader can pretty much picture the words playing out in their head.

The beginning of the novel is really just devoted to character development.  The audience is introduced to four main character, Ed (narrator), Lewis, Bobby, and Drew.  Bobby and Drew seem to be kind of secondary characters.  They aren't discussed as much as Ed and Lewis.  We are told that Bobby is a social person that seems to have his life together, at least on the outside.  Drew is a family man who seems satisfied with his life.  The author makes a point to explain two times when both of the men got very angry.  I wonder if this is foreshadowing because it seemed out of place.

Ed is the narrator and because of that the audience learns quite a bit about him.  Ed is a complacent guy.  He is the vice president of a graphic design company, but does not like his job.  He has no motivation to reach his full potential and freely admits he could do better.  He has an "anti-friction" towards life.  He likes to find things that are easy to do and then stick with them.  He does not seem like a guy who could handle being pushed to his limits.

Ed's best friend is Lewis.  Lewis seems like a cool guy.  He is very adventurous and is always trying new things.  Ed says that "He had everything that life could give, and he couldn't make it work".  Lewis never seems satisfied.  He is constantly exploring new hobbies to keep himself busy.

All four men embark on a canoeing trip.  Lewis is the most experienced outdoorsman, but even he doesn't have much experience.  I don't understand why the rest of the guys would follow him.

I'm assuming something bad is going to happen to these guys otherwise there would not be much of a story.  I just wonder what exactly it is.

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