The plot of the novel really starts to pick up in these two chapters. We are finally given the sheriff's name, Ed Tom Bell. Bell actually plays more of a roll in these chapters too. Instead of just sitting around his office or retelling stories of his past, he gets involved in the story. Himself and one of his deputies go to investigate a car fire and stumble upon the murder scene during their investigation. They instantly recognize Moss' truck. Once I found out that they knew it was Moss' truck I wondered how involved they thought he was or if he was even involved. The deputy said that Moss seemed like a nice guy. I think it will be interesting to see how seriously they pursue Moss as a suspect.
Moss is busy in these chapters as well. He has to send his girlfriend away to a relatives house because he figures it is too dangerous for either one of them to stay in their trailer. Moss then proceeds to rent a motel room. This room allows Moss to hide the money deep inside of the air duct. He also uses the room to make modifications to a shotgun he bought. Moss cuts off a large portion of the barrel and the stock, essentially making it a pistol grip shotgun. I thought it was strange of Moss to go to the store and buy random items such as pliers and tent poles. I'm curious to see how he will use those.
Moss' actions could seem a little frightening to some readers. All of his actions seem pretty well thought out. This led me to question his motives. Why didn't he just go away with his girlfriend? Why risk getting tracked down? If I were in his shoes I would get out of town as soon as possible.
The audience knows that Llewelyn is a veteran. Perhaps that explains why he is so calculated about what he is doing. Most people would not automatically go to the store and buy the materials to make a sawed off shotgun. There is also a reference to a claymore mine, which he would be very familiar with since he was in the military. Part of me wonders if he is out looking for a little trouble.
Anton Chigurh isn't as brutal as we've seen before in these chapters. He shows a different side to him though. A smart determined side. Before reading these pages the audience might have thought that Chigurh was just a brutal person and lacked much sense, but some of his actions prove otherwise.
When Anton goes to the crime scene he discovers Moss' truck. Even though the license plate is gone, Anton is smart enough to take the identification plate from the door. Chigurh then shows up at Moss' trailer a few pages later. This must mean that somehow Chigurh was able to use the plate to look up Moss' address.
I think it will be interesting to see if Chigurh finally catches up to Moss and if Moss is ready if he does.
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